Audio / video

live at Industriesalon Berlin-Schöneweide, 8.1.23
live at Industriesalon Berlin-Schöneweide, 8.1.23
live at Industriesalon Berlin-Schöneweide, 8.1.23
“Frane Heisenkamp? Has sold his car!” live at Tonhalle Hannover, 21.11.2021
“Letters from the pacific”, live at Kunststation Kleinsassen am 25.09.2021.
Penguins live on an island in the Pacific Ocean near the Peruvian capital Lima. We imagine the culture lovers among them heading into the big city on weekends to listen to the “Vals Peruano” in the city’s bars and clubs.
This piece is based on the Peruvian “Lando” groove and is about a unusual shared flat: in the Peruvian jungle, tarantulas always live with a toad as a roommate who keeps their burrow clean. In return, the spider does not eat the toad. In our play, the roles are distributed more innovatively: Both the spider and toad themes are sometimes played by the baritone sax and sometimes by the double bass.